JONG’s website
Dick de Jong (Rotterdam, 1927 – Schiedam, 2021) was a minister of
the Canadian Reformed Churches
and minister-emeritus of Ebenezer Canadian Reformed Church
at Burlington, Ontario, Canada,
and returned to the Netherlands in 1989.
email to the webmaster:
ervendick#solcon.nl (# > @)
intention with this website is to deal with a number of Bible passages or even
Bible books which contain certain exegetical difficulties. Sometimes such
difficulties can be compared with knots
which are so tied that it is very hard to untie them. Whenever this is the case
it might even become necessary to cut the knot instead of patiently untying it.
When two or more roads meet and join together this is called a junction. In the Dutch language such a
junction is called a knooppunt,
the point where these roads are as it were knotted together.
The Bible can
be seen as a map which helps us to find the way which leads to salvation. The
writer of Psalm 25 did ask for such help when he asked the LORD: “Show me your
ways, o LORD, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and instruct me; for
you are the God of my salvation.” In order to be able to use this map to reach
salvation instruction is needed, because there are many ways in this world
which lead to nowhere or, worse, to everlasting condemnation.
This map shows
us not only many ways and paths, but also a great number of junctions. When
reaching a junction one might think that going straight ahead is the best and
fastest way to go, but not always is that the case. At every junction, and
certainly when an important intersection is ahead of us, decisions must be
made. In order to come to the right decision it is of the greatest importance
to know how the LORD in past times has brought about redemption of his people
on the way to salvation. Only when we know the redemptive ways of the Lord in
past history can we recognize the way He goes and wants us to go in order to
bring about and experience redemption and reach salvation. For discovering
connections and junctions can also the Reformed Confessions be a great help.
My intention
is to publish on this site as well lectures which I gave in the past about
redemptive history, perhaps also sermons I held which show the
redemptive-historical way as applied in preaching.
From here you can turn to ...
» Junction 1: Ecclesiastes, or The Preacher
» Junction 2: Genesis 1:16, Earth without a Moon?
» Junction
1: Heidelberg Catechism
... and to a selection of my sermons